FAQ - Global Sounds in the Square


Global Sounds in the Square is located in Old Town Square Fort Collins.

Global Sounds in the Square is a free summer concert in Old Town Fort Collins Sunday, September 18th.

The lineup for Global Sounds in the Square can be found here.

No tickets are needed for any of the performances. Global Sounds in the Square is a completely FREE concert for all ages.

Of course! Unless a performer specifically requests that no photos be taken, photographs are allowed. We do ask you to limit flash photography once night falls.

Please leave coolers at home. You are welcome to bring your lawn chair.

Open container alcohol and smoking of any kind are prohibited in Old Town.

There are public restrooms available in Old Town.

We hope to ensure the comfort of all attending, which is why we STRONGLY DISCOURAGE people from bringing their pets to the concert series. Large crowds and loud noises are common, and pets can often be overwhelmed by sound, or be uncomfortably crowded, hot or dehydrated. Your pet may also make other people in the crowd very uncomfortable. Take care of your fellow beings and your pets' health by leaving your pet at home.

It is an outdoor concert, and it is Colorado, so please prepare for all weather conditions.

Bohemian Nights is committed to providing a safe, inclusive, and inspiring environment. At Bohemian Nights, we embrace diversity and value different backgrounds, perspectives, and views. You can expect to be treated in a professional and courteous manner, and in turn, you are expected to treat everyone with respect. To support these principles and to make your experience a positive one, we ask you to uphold this Code of Conduct.

• All are entitled to enjoy an experience free from hostile or discriminatory behavior, including sexual harassment of any kind, unwelcome sexual attention, and inappropriate physical contact.

• Guests agree to be respectful of all other guests, performers, staff, vendors, and property.

• Guests agree to look out for one another.

Guests will conduct themselves in accordance with this Code of Conduct, directions of staff, and all other rules pertaining to the property. You are responsible for your conduct and the conduct of your guests. Please help maintain these high standards by reporting any concerning behavior. Conduct deemed by Bohemian Nights to be inappropriate will not be tolerated. If you see something that concerns you, please say something to our staff or security so we can ensure the best experience possible.

If severe weather occurs, including lightning, strong continuous wind, wind bursts or hail, we may need to delay or even cancel shows. In the event of severe weather, please seek appropriate shelter.

Announcements will be made from the stage regarding delays or cancellations. Weather updates will also be posted on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Safety is the responsibility of all attendees. Please use your best judgment when planning on attending the show when inclement weather is expected.

Thank you for helping us keep this community event fun and safe for everyone!

Please leave glass bottles or other glass objects at home. Illegal and recreational drugs and weapons are prohibited. Alcohol and smoking are prohibited. Please leave pets and coolers at home.

There are no medical or first aid services available on site. Please call 911 for medical emergencies.